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Writer's pictureTrilliz Chic

Are They Really in Love With You

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

Is your mate in love with you? We all have the same question in the back of our mind in a relationship. It is very clear to see if he or she is really on your team and down to ride for you. I am talking, Do or Die style. In order to get the answer, put your lover through a few test.

First, stop giving up the sex easily. See if your partner gets anxious, if so, they are into you. Second test, start sleeping on the couch. If they start an argument about not going to bed in the bedroom, they are lonely without you. Third, start locking the bathroom door. If they become alarmed at locked doors, your mate is aware of your movements. #Theynoticeyou and there is a huge possibility that they are in love with you.

If you like your lover's response, go further with your case study by going weird places. Travel alone, dress sexy and attractive. The goal is to seek attention. If your mate sadly hault you or ask to tag along, that means they are curious to why you are so damn cute to hang out by yourself. This will spark the question of why you are alone all of a sudden. I suggest to prepare your answers beforehand.

Last portion of the test is to act uninterested in your lover's entire existence and become self-centered for a week or two on purpose. The length of the planned lover's quarrel is up to you. This aspect of the test will see how far they will go to get your undivided attention. If your mate begins to dress themselves up or change their attitude in a positive manner, they desire to be with you.

Once you receive a gift, they love you. The loveable change in their mentality will mean they miss you and cherish you. Please realize upon initiializing these test you are enhancing yourself independently. Moving along without a lover becomes less scary.

It is a test to see if they will pull closer to you or automatically run out and cheat on you due to their insecurities. Love is as Love does. If your mate really loves you, they will only want to be next to you. No matter what.

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